
Our #ProjectHighlight goes to the professional building of Prolyte’s XXL done by @PROmontaje

Prolyte XXL Roof is based on 13 CT towers, of which one is a stack tower underneath the back span. The roof has main grid based on B100RV truss and a pitched roof structure based on B52SV truss, which is the standard S52SV truss adapted with a main chord of 60 x 6 mm. Layher adapters guarantee a flawless integration of the towers and the stage.

Prolyft hoists lift the 17-ton structure in place. The main roof area can be constructed in 3 different sizes 30m. x 20m, 25m. x 20m, 20m x 20m, realising a clearance of 14m. between the stage and the main grid. The loading capacity of the roof is approx. 30 ton, uniformly distributed along the roof.

#ProlyteRoof #Prolyte #ProlyteXXLroof #Promontaje #professional #staging #rigging