Ladies and gentlemen, our 11th Blu Heart-er of the year is here. Please stand up to congratulate Eddy Peperkamp from
LITES Studios.

Eddy is a great example of loyalty to our brand. He has been a Prolyte customer for about 20 years; in which the B100 truss and the H30V truss became their favourite products.
A person who enjoys photography in his spare time and is often described by his friends as someone who likes things to get done, Eddy mentioned that the challenges he has faced throughout the years are some of his best memories in the industry. Cheers!!!
When asked how he felt about being nominated as a Blu Heart-er, Eddy said “It’s quite an honor to receive this nomination”.
For your loyalty, perseverance and friendship, here’s to you Eddy! For many more years to come *cheers*
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