Our October Blu Heart-er is here!!
This time we would like to appreciate Kari Wikström from Oy Aku’s Factory LTD and nominate him as our Blu Heart-er for this month of October.
Kari has already been a Prolyte customer for 20 years.
A calm and collected problem-solver who likes to get things done with the highest standards regarding safety and structural integrity, Kari likes to make sure Aku’s Factory is on top of the list for any event organizer.
On his days off, you will find Kari playing hockey, diving, or alpine skiing.
He described Prolyte’s XXL Roof “as his favorite Prolyte product, due to its loading capacity uniformly distributed along the roof”.
A man that will not crack under pressure and will not make compromises when it comes to safety, Kari this one is for you, your hard work, your high standards, and your loyalty towards Prolyte.
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#bluehearterofthemonth #loyalty #loyaltyawards #awards